Professional Development

At Merrill Area Public Schools (MAPS), we believe that continuous learning is essential for all staff members. We are committed to providing professional development opportunities that enhance our educators' and support staff’s ability to serve students effectively.


As lifelong learners, MAPS educators engage in ongoing professional development to stay current in best practices and continuously improve their craft. Our professional learning structure aligns with our commitment to:

  • Evidence-Based Practices – Ensuring strategies positively impact student learning.

  • New Teacher Mentoring – Providing guidance and support to help new educators succeed.

  • Job-Embedded Professional Development – Integrating learning opportunities into daily teaching practices.

  • Collaboration with Other Districts – Engaging in regional and statewide partnerships to share knowledge and best practices.

  • Tuition Reimbursement – Supporting further education and advanced certifications.

  • Personalized Growth Opportunities – Allowing staff to request attendance at professional development events of their choosing.

Support Staff

MAPS recognizes the vital role support staff play in student success and holds them in high regard as highly qualified professionals. We are committed to providing meaningful professional development opportunities and continually evaluate and expand learning experiences to ensure all staff members have the skills and resources needed to excel in their roles.

Additionally, MAPS offers tuition reimbursement to support staff pursuing further education and career advancement within the district.